There is always a great reward when you decide to take a risk with a dawn shot. ‘Aurora Bliss’ is an example of this. I woke up early in Valensole, France to the pinkest skies I have ever seen! I knew this was my opportunity when I passed by the famous Valensole Lavender fields on a warm July morning. As it was nearing the end of the peak season, I was fortunate enough to dodge the flurry of photographers and make the most of the vast patches of unharvested lavender. It felt so surreal as I was the only photographer out in the field and was truly able to make the most of the rising sun’s complementing hues as it bounced off the cirrostratus clouds, creating neon pink streaks in the sky. I love this image particularly due to the natural leading lines of the purple flower bushes, to then showcase the singular tree in the distance.