All hope seemed lost as I was met with a washed-out sunset. The sands picked up from the Sahara did me no favours, as all the blissful orange seemed to do was drown out the setting sun. I packed up my gear and started down to the hotel. But by some miracle, the vibrant rays caught the clouds slightly and I just has to stop. Nature threw me a curveball as I was surrounded by sunflower fields, such a surprise as I pride myself on being prepared and scouting my locations.
Running through the sea of sunflowers with my gear threatening to fall off, I had to act quickly and make the most of the fast movement of the sun. I knew exactly that the whole scene needed to be captured into one final image. Using a focus-stacked, HDR-Panoramic process, the total image count came to 45 photos merged together to create this masterpiece. What a true privilege to witness the scene before me.