Heavily inspired by Brassai’s famous work in his ‘Paris by Night’ photobook. With the leading lines, iconic historical buildings, and bright dated lampposts, I knew it was the perfect moment to show off the streets of Prague the way Brassai had with Paris in the early 1930s. I initially stumbled across this street when I finished my post-sunrise shot of ‘Passage’, my conscience couldn’t let me leave the city without stumbling back to this ancient street in the evening. As usual, it took a lot of patience, as I hadn’t anticipated the number of people walking around at night. But as we know, the reward is far greater, and I was able to capture such characterful architecture on a ‘quiet’ night. I wanted to challenge myself with more intimate landscapes to add variety to my collection. After stitching multiple shots focusing on different sections, I was able to combine them into a 1x2 crop, creating a piece that will make an impact over time, and preserve the history in Prague.